Navigating Taxes Surrounding Major Life Events

Couple moving into a new home

Life is full of exciting milestones. Many of them often come with new financial responsibilities, but do you know how to navigate your taxes during such events? Understanding how these transitions impact your taxes will help you make informed financial decisions and optimize your tax situation. In this blog, we’ll explore tax considerations associated with significant life events and give you insights to navigate these milestones while minimizing your tax burden.

Tax Considerations for Starting a Business

Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey is an exciting but complex endeavor. When starting a business, your decisions have direct tax implications. For instance, when selecting the appropriate business structure, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation, each has different tax requirements. You will need to register for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and ensure compliance with payroll taxes, self-employment taxes, and estimated tax payments. Familiarize yourself with deductible business expenses, such as office supplies, travel, and marketing costs, to optimize your tax deductions and minimize your taxable income. We wrote a four-blog series all about taxes and small businesses. You can read them here.

Tax Considerations for Homeownership

Purchasing a home is a significant financial milestone and may offer various tax benefits. Before you go house-hunting, you should become knowledgeable about topics like mortgage interest, property taxes, and points paid at closing. These deductions can reduce your taxable income and potentially save you thousands of dollars. Talk with your CPA as you embark on finding your dream home for questions on potential tax impact.

Additionally, if you sold a primary residence, there are rules surrounding capital gains exclusions that can help avoid or minimize taxes on the profits from the sale. If you have a capital gain—a profit from the sale of a property or investment—you may qualify to exclude up to $250,000 of that gain from your income, or up to $500,000 of that gain if you file a joint return with a spouse. Your CPA should know how to handle this situation.

Tax Consideration for Marriage

Getting married introduces changes not only in your personal life but also in your tax liability. Choosing the correct filing status, whether married filing jointly or separately, can significantly impact your tax liability. It is important to compare all options to determine which provides the most favorable outcome.

Tax Considerations for Families

Having children can bring immeasurable joy, but it also comes with added financial responsibilities. Do you know the tax implications of growing your family? Explore tax benefits like the Child Tax Credit, Child and Dependent Care Credit, and the Earned Income Tax Credit, which can provide significant tax savings. Learn more about the Child Tax Credit in our blog, “Guide to Understanding the Child Tax Credit”.

As children grow, education becomes part of the family’s daily routine. When the time comes, make sure you discuss education-related tax benefits with your CPA. Many of these come into play to help offset the costs of higher education for your teenager, including the American Opportunity Tax Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit.

Inform Your CPA

Major life events can shape your personal and financial landscapes. As you encounter them, you will need to make well-informed financial decisions to optimize your tax situation. Consult with the tax professionals at KPN to ensure compliance with tax laws and receive personalized strategies tailored to your specific circumstances. Contact us today so you can embark on these new chapters while minimizing your tax burden and setting yourself up for financial success.

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